Accountability Wrapped in Healing – What is your healing going to be accountable to in 2022?

The  two top questions I got asked this year were,

1. What is my definition of healing justice?

2. How do we measure the impact of healing justice in our organization? 

The consistent complaint: "We have all the health and wellness in our budget, we bought in consultants to provide healing practices, and while it is supporting people's individual state of mind and wellbeing we are still having the same problems". 

I can't answer one question without answering the other. When we ask for justice what we are really asking for is some level of accountability? YES? So, healing justice requires some level of accountability to healing? NO? But to who and what? 

When social justice holds accountability it holds the state, the govt, organizations, leaders, and powers that be whom promised something and stand for something that they are not keeping their word to? YES

So when healing justice gets held to account who does it hold to account? the person healing? NO

However, we cannot hold feelings and emotions to account we can only hold what people stand for to account. We can only hold what people give their word to, to account. We can only hold what they are committed to, to account?  

In social justice, healing justice holds people's healing to account so they can show up in integrity to who they say they are, their stand in the world, and to create the world they say they are committed to living in.

Therefore my definition of healing justice is 

The Alignment of one's spirit, one's purpose and stand in the world, to the mission of the organization/movement they said yes to or the call to action they responded to or the gap in services they said they would close. 

Healing justice is grounded in the belief that the structure, ecosystem, and culture of organizations can only  be designed to win if the individual people who lead and work within them bring intentional  integrity and accountability = “healing with accountability.”

I invite everyone to be in inquiry and reflect on these questions so you can create a  stand in the world that you and your team, collective, and organization can hold to account in 2022. During your vacation, this holiday write down some things and come back in the new year and share it with me toooo. 

Healing with accountability questions...

  1. How does your healing make you accountable?
  2. What is your healing accountable to?
  3. What is your healing responsible for?
  4. How does your healing bring integrity to how you love, live, and lead?
  5. What's possible when we do our healing? 
  6. What is it costing you when you don't do your healing? What's at stake for you and your organization?

Seasons Healing

Dr. Dee

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