Wherever you are today know that you are not alone, that you are loved and that someone's life is better because your in it. |
On Nov 26th, 2007 I woke up and started to prepare my home to celebrate Thanksgiving dinner. I went outside and bought white tablecloths and curtains, a ton of white flowers, and white candles. We usually do an altar for our loved ones and burn incense to clear the home and prepare for the new year. This year I didn't realize that I was preparing my home and building an altar for my father who would pass at 3 pm. We had finished cooking and had set up the table when we got the news. We never got to eat Thanksgiving dinner that year. Today, I find myself thinking about how many dinners people didn't get to eat this year, how many tables were left, how many homes people never returned to, how many people we will never see again. Today marks the beginning of a lot of first we will experience this holiday and new year season, (please bring compassion to yourself). The first without people we love that we lost this year for so many reasons. The first holiday in social isolation and quarantine. The first of Thanksgivings by yourself. The first of even celebrating that we are still alive and we made it despite and in spite of this year's struggles. As we head not just into the holidays but the anniversary of COVID remember that if your reading this that means you are still alive and you still have a lot to do on this earth and I for one am thankful you are still here as I wouldn't want to be in this revolution without you! Today, as I was preparing the same altar, I thought about all of us and how this may be the first Thanksgiving, birthday, holiday, celebration, etc without family. Today, I acknowledge you and your grief. Today, I create this altar on our behalf. It's been one hell of a year and even if you didn't lose someone you lost something, even if that something includes losing a part of yourself this year. |
Today, I acknowledge the anxiety and fear of the unpredictable future that lies ahead and the lack of control we may all be feeling. Today, I want to acknowledge..
- Everyone who went and are still going to work because they have no choice
- Everyone who made and is making ends meet even though they lost their jobs, consulting or business
- Everyone who has stepped in the gap and created mutual aids, go funds me, donated, took the family in, and stepped up to take care of chosen and birth family and friends.
- Everyone who marched, screamed, protested, voted, and are uprising all over the world and lighting the world on fire standing up for justice from the injustice of wildfires, hurricanes, COVID, and wars at home and abroad.
- Every essential worker, nurses, janitors, EMT, doctors, healers, artist, creatives, entrepreneurs, firefighters, organizers, social workers, teachers, etc
- Parents and family who became teachers and caregivers while pivoting to work from home.
- Everyone who didn't give up and made a way where there was no way.
- Everyone who took the opportunity to break addiction, scarcity, deficit, look at themselves and their lives, make changes to their health, and took on their healing powerfully.
- Everyone who returned home to face some things.
- Everyone I didn't mention but are out there dealing with shit some of us will never know.
And finally, I want to acknowledge all survivors and victims of violence, people dealing with domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and all forms of sexual assault and violence at the spectrum and intersection., specifically, all the little girls and inner children who keep showing up despite broken hearts.
Thank you for loving me this year and for continuing to support my work in the world. I couldn't have made it without you all!
In gratitude and deep love, I Love You, if no one has told you I'm Sorry, Please, Forgive Yourself and Me, and Thank You for who you are in the world. This is not your fault and we didn't deserve it! You are whole perfect and complete, there is nothing to fix about you!
Love, Dr. Dee
P.S. Remember we are in this together no matter how different our stories are. Don't do this holiday by yourself. Email me if you need a second to vent, release, or need mental or spiritual support. There is nothing wrong with calling a sister-friend, or someone you love to take you to the other side of yourself. |